Vetrepreneur Franchise Coaching Beta
Presentation of Options 40%

Step 4 - Presentation of Options

This is an exciting step where you get to see how your skills and experience line up with specific franchise opportunities.  A few days prior to this call, you will be notified when your franchise options are viewable in the “Dashboard”. Your coach will provide 8-12 franchise options for you to review and discuss. Additional materials my be emailed to you. You should read and review all of these materials prior to your options review call. 

Then, you’ll spend 45 minutes on a Discovery Meeting with your coach to ascertain what you like and what you don’t like in general about each concept. 

Our goal is to eliminate choices and get down to 2-4 in ranked order.  From there, your coach will conduct specific territory checks and provide a detailed introduction of you to franchisors.

Franchise Presentation of Options
Chris Hale Vetrepreneur Franchise Coach

Franchise Coach:
Chris Hale

Chris Hale Vetrepreneur Franchise Coach

Franchise Coach:
Chris Hale

What You’ll Gain

Required Tasks to Complete

Your coach will provide 8-12 franchise options for you to review and discuss. 

• Read Through All Options
• Review Downloadables
• Review Videos

You can do this by going back into the “Presentation of Options” tab. Assign a Yes, Maybe or No to each option. Make sure to submit once finished.

This is important as your coach will be introducing you to these prospects.

Next Step:
• Discussion with your Coach
• Coach will make introductions to your top picks

Write down your likes and dislikes on each franchise opportunity.

When you are finished taking notes on a franchise, click the save button and the note will be saved below the form. You will then be able to start a new note for the next franchise opportunity.

* For the best experience when taking notes, we recommend doing so while you are on a laptop or desktop computer.

The discovery and education process is in full swing at this point! You’ll be introduced to 2-3 franchisors at this point and will have the opportunity to have initial conversations with them.

Step 4: Presentation of Options

Presentation of Options

  • Exciting step for you to see your matched skills & experience with franchises
  • Coach provides 8-12 options to review with downloadable materials and videos
  • Review prior to your options call with your coach
Select 1-3 franchise opportunities you’d like to explore further to be introduced to the franchisor(s).

Step Completion

Take Notes

Write down your likes and dislikes on each franchise opportunity.

When you are finished taking notes on a franchise, click the save button and the note will be saved below the form. You will then be able to start a new note for the next franchise opportunity.

* For the best experience when taking notes, we recommend using a laptop or desktop computer.

Franchisor Calls – Your coach will introduce you to franchisors you’re interested in.
Step 4 Presentation of Options Mountain

Tasks to Complete

Track your progress by click the “Check Mark” as you complete each task.

Tasks to Complete

Franchise Glossary

Vetrepreneur Logo white and Vetrepreneur Franchise Coaching is a private service that is owned and operated by M2V, Inc., a veteran-owned business and is not affiliated with or endorsed by the DoD, the VA or the federal government. Privacy Policy  |  Terms of Use

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